Financial Certification Programs Final Exam (FIN-FCP-020)
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Available From    12/16/2014
A Certification Exam will be offered once per month and an 80% passing grade is required to attain certification upon completion of the following Certifications: 1. Certified Payroll Representative 2. Procure to Pay Specialist 3. Financial Systems Specialist 4. TRaC Representative Certification This test will be held virtually and will be open to all certification tracks (each certification track will have a different exam relevant to that track). Failure to pass will result in review by the Curriculum Leader for the applicable certification track. A participant's area of deficiency will be identified from the exam results and specific classes may need to be completed before retaking the final exam; participants who do not successfully complete the final exam will not be required to retake all courses in the curriculum.
- Offered as:
Virtual Class
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Sections: Total Number of Links 3, Selected Link Main
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