Expense Reports - Managing the Process (FIN-ETR-MTHEP)
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Available From    05/11/2015
This session is designed for TRaC Reps or those initiators responsible for creating expense reports and managing them throughout the approval and posting process. Participants will learn how to effectively “see” both corporate card and out-of-pocket expenses through the expense report tool and a variety of reports. Participants will explore workflow steps and the importance of ensuring master data is routinely maintained. Reports will be a key focus in this session – both reports that are provided to departments and those that can be run through the Duke@Work portal – with discussion focusing both on how to execute the reports and how to use the data returned to ensure timely posting of expenses to Duke’s ledger. This class is part of the TRaC Rep Certification process. Financial Services charges a $100 no show fee for participants who cancel with less than 48 hours notice or do not show up for class. The fee will be charged to the participant's default cost center.
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Expense Reports – Policies and ProceduresFIN-ETR-PANDP Yes No 
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For TRaC Rep Certification - Expense Reports - Managing the ProcessFIN-ETR-TRACMTHEP No